Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church

Welcome to the Mount Nebo Baptist Church website. It was inspired and created "in house" by Mt. Nebo itself and we hope you enjoy your time here. We hope you find something here that will strengthen your walk with our savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Our church is led by Pastor Bryson.
Our Mission
"To Manifest the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives individually and collectively, and seek to bring others into a personal, dynamic relationship with Him by ministering to the whole man."
Evening Prayer Line @ 7:00 pm 434-300-4164 Access Code 970414# (press *6 to mute your phone)
Sunday Service Begins @ 11:00 am weekly
Weekly Message
Sermon Text: John 1 Samuel 17: 32 - 37
Sermon Topic: "Confident In Spite Of"
Speaker: Pastor Theodore H. Bryson, Sr.
Be sure to check out our official Facebook & YouTube channel
Visit us in Person Too !
Mount Nebo Missionary Baptist Church
2416 Clifton Avenue
Nashville , TN 37209
Pastor's Thoughts
This is a series of writings by the Pastor for spiritual nourishment and observations of today that reminds us of the teachings of Jesus Christ and how his word is still relevant today.
In the early days of reconstruction under the administration of President U. S. Grant, when Negroes were very oppressed, Mt. Nebo Baptist Church was organized by Rev. Pharaoh Benson. Our first minister was ordained and sent by Spruce Street Baptist Church, which was pastured by Rev. Nelson Merry, because the early settlers of the community saw a need for a place of worship. The first members met for worship in the Davidson County School house, in the 13th District. Because of the growth of the church, during the twelve years of his ministry, he became known as an evangelist.