Auto Recurring Giving - Easily set up recurring giving. You can give every week or month or on your payday. Start whenever you want, end whenever you want.
Fund Designation - You can choose where you want to give funds to. For example, Tithes, Offering, Sunday School
Easy Tracking - Instantly receive receipts and account access to view payments.
Cover the Fees - If you would like, you can cover the minimal processing fees for the church. THIS IS OPTIONAL NOT REQUIRED. If you choose to do so, fees will also be included in your end of the year tax statement.​
Want to pull a report on your total giving on Tithe.ly?
Go to https://tithe.ly, Sign in to your account and click on “My personal giving.”
Filter the report based on what you would like to see:
Giving Type, How the transactions will show (Every Transaction, Total), and then select the time period that you would like to see the transactions.
This is a good report to run for Year End reporting; simply choose the dates from January-December.
Hit the Green “Update” button and the listing will display on the screen.
If you wish to print, Hit the “Export Results as CSV” button
Please note: to see the total of each individual listing, you need to choose the totals filter; the individual listing only lists the transactions but won’t show the total.