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Bulletin Thought - April 2016

April 3, 2016

Bulletin Thought

A Thought from Pastor Bryson,

Well, we are one week past the celebration of Easter or Resurrection Sunday. There was a lot of excitement as people gathered to worship on that day. Attendance for many congregations was higher than usual as people made their way to “church” to celebrate the risen Savior.

One week past Easter how is life treating you? Is the excitement still there? Is the crowd present this Sunday like it was last Sunday? Easter or Resurrection Sunday is more than a one day or weekend observation. Resurrection Sunday has long life changing implications for us. We acknowledge that Jesus who was crucified for our sins, rose from the dead, He is alive!

Once His disciples came to grips with His resurrection, their lives were no longer the same. His teachings took on new meaning in their lives. Their fearfulness was replaced with boldness; their cup literally ran over with joy and peace even as they faced persecution for their beliefs. Hope for them was real and sustaining. They were not just getting by; they were truly full of life because of the risen Savior.

As their lives were impacted by the risen Savior, our lives are to be impacted as well. We are not just to barely exist, but we are to be full of life. Our lives should be characterized by boldness in living for Him. Our joy should be evident, even though we may face difficulties or challenges. We know that because He lives we do have the victory. Hope for us is not elusive, it is very much real and sustaining to us as we are on this journey of faith.

We are not just to proclaim He lives one day out of the year, but every day we show He lives by the way our lives are being impacted by the living Christ. We know who we are (1 Peter 2:10); we know we have a great inheritance in store for us (1 Peter 1:4); we know whatever we go through is only temporary and is beneficial to us (2 Cor. 5:16-18); we know that we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:35-39). Knowing this and more helps us to live in His presence enjoying life now and looking forward to the life to come.

Let us be good witnesses that Easter or Resurrection Sunday has life changing consequences for those who believe. Perhaps the apostle Paul said it best, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

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