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Bulletin Thought - December 2017

Bulletin Thought

December 3, 2017

A Thought from Pastor Bryson,

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel, which is translated, God with us.” (Matthew 1:21 NKJV)

After celebrating Thanksgiving, we enter a season known as Advent which is observed by many Christians. Advent is that season in which the birth of the Christ child is anticipated.

Although Jesus was born many years ago, we still are in the season of Advent in which we anticipate His Second Coming. Titus 2:13 says of the believers in Jesus Christ, “Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Note he says “looking for.” The New Living Translation says “while we look forward to…” From a faith perspective we are living in a state of anticipation of the coming of the Lord.

Only, this time, He is not coming as a newborn baby, but as the “Eternal King” to establish His eternal kingdom in which the wicked shall cease from troubling and the weary shall be at rest. When He comes again, all sickness, disappointments, pain, evil, and death will be banished. We will live with Him forever and ever. Hallelujah!

We can rejoice during this Advent season leading to Christmas because the Lord came once and in that coming He provided salvation and reconciliation between God and humanity. He demonstrated His unfailing love through His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of many. He ushered into the lives of all who would trust Him as Savior – joy, peace, abundant living, and a vibrant hope. When He went back to heaven He sent His Holy Spirit to live in His followers. Although we live in a fallen world, we have the assurance and comfort that we are not alone. As we anticipate, look forward to His coming again, we are being kept by His divine power (1 Peter 1:3-5).

As we are living in this season of Advent leading up to Christmas, we should celebrate the birth of the Christ child realizing how blessed we are because He was born. But let us also not forget that we are still living in the season of Advent, anticipating His Second Coming. Having some understanding of what’s in store for us when He returns, may we have the mindset of John who was exiled on the isle of Patmos. In Revelation 22:20, the Lord says, “I am coming quickly.” John responds by saying, “Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”

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