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Pastor's Thoughts - May 2021

May 2021

A Thought from Pastor Bryson,

We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you.

(Colossians 1:3 NKJV)

It was on Sunday, May 2, 1993 that I stood in the pulpit and preached my first sermon as “Pastor” of the Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church. That was twenty-eight years ago and by the grace of God I’m still serving in that role today.

First and foremost, I am indebted to God for having placed me in the ministry to begin with. Of all the people in the world He could have used, He chose me and for that I will always be grateful. It is an awesome responsibility and wonderful privilege to serve as overseer of His church.

Second, I am indebted to my wife and children. Every decision I make impacts them and I am blessed to have a loving and supportive family. She (Gloria) followed me as I answered the call to serve. Our children have grown up in this church and thankfully are still here, serving.

Third, I am indebted to my predecessor, Dr. Gill Gordon Sr. For twenty-two years he served as Pastor and he served faithfully and with integrity. I followed a great, yet humble man of God. I was “assigned” into a blessed situation.

Last and certainly not least, I am indebted to the membership of Mt. Nebo. For twenty-eight years you have supported me in many ways. I do not have enough words to convey my gratitude towards you for helping my journey among you to be one of joy rather than grief.

Have there been challenges/difficult people? For sure. But the blessings of having a supportive membership far outweigh and outnumber the challenges I have encountered along the way. This past year has been really challenging as the world dealt with a pandemic. Whoever would have thought that for over a year we would not meet in corporate worship? But by the grace of God, we are still standing.

My prayer is for the church to be walking in such a way that God is pleased and glorified. Thankfully, we are a serving church, seeking to make a difference in the lives of others with the hope that they will come to know Jesus as Savior. But we can’t be a serving church without people who are willing to serve. Thank you for giving of yourselves and keeping me lifted in prayer. Thank you for your many acts of kindness, cards of encouragement, gift cards, cakes, my favorite soda – the one and only soda – Coke J, and so many more things you do.

Answering the call to serve here was an “assignment” by God. How much longer my assignment will last, I don’t know. But I’m grateful to be in a blessed congregation and I thank you a thousand times over for your support while I’m on assignment.

As Minister Benson always says – “To God be the glory!”


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